Great Stour Riverfest launches in Canterbury

The inaugural Great Stour Riverfest which launched on Monday, 18 September, coincided with Canterbury City Council publishing its Riverside Strategy for the next five years.

The strategy covers the stretch of the Great Stour through the Canterbury district, a distance of almost 10 kilometres from Chartham to Sturry, and sets out how the riverside will be looked after up to 2028.

The overall vision is for the riverside to be a “clean, safe, accessible and coherent place – a joy to wander, a sustainable transport corridor for walkers and cyclists – a confident place that reflects the city’s proud heritage and complements its important and diverse biodiversity”.

It also lays out some of the main objectives over the five years, including:

The Great Stour Riverfest, which runs until Sunday 24 September, celebrates the river’s historical, cultural and environmental significance and features a host of free events.

These include river dipping activities, walks and talks, bulb planting, litter picks and much more. Find out more information and event booking details.

The council’s Cabinet member for open spaces, Cllr Charlotte Cornell, said: “From the spot where it enters our district to where it then leaves us, the Great Stour provides a haven of beauty and tranquility.

“It is a place where the natural world thrives and it is the responsibility of us all to look after it and ensure this continues for many generations to come.

“This five year strategy sets out our ambitions and plans for the riverside. We are leading the way but we need others to help and support us in this vitally important work.

“The efforts of volunteers and local organisations along the Great Stour are already very much appreciated and we look forward to developing this further in the coming years.”

Read the Riverside Strategy 2023 to 2028.

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