A drunk man who damaged the doors and windows of two businesses in Staplehurst has been jailed.

Cameron Jeffery latest template
Image of Cameron Jeffery

During the early hours of Tuesday 7 March 2023 Cameron Jeffery targeted a newsagents in Staplehurst High Street where he broke a glass panel on the shop’s front door.

The 20-year-old of Vale Road, Hawkhurst, then walked to a second business where he proceeded to kick the shop’s front door and caused it to smash onto the floor.

When officers attended the area Jeffery was found on Station Road, where he was drunk. While attempting to arrest him he was aggressive and threatened to headbutt, spit at and assault them.

He was arrested and went onto assault one of the officers by kicking them.

He also caused further criminal damage while in custody, where he spat several times and also threw his meal across his cell.

Following the investigation Jeffery was charged with three counts of criminal damage, assault by beating of an emergency worker and being drunk and disorderly in a public place.

He appeared at Maidstone Crown Court on Monday 18 September 2023 where he pleaded guilty to the charges. He was sentenced to one year and seven months in jail, which included the activation of a one-year suspended sentence for a previous offence.

Investigating officer PC Libby Ley of Kent Police’s Victim Based Crime Team said: ‘During these incidents Jeffery showed no regard for the damage he caused and the financial implications he left for the owners of the shops.

‘While officers do expect a level of resistance when responding to incidents, it is never acceptable for them to be assaulted while doing their job. Today’s sentencing reflects Jeffery’s criminality and I hope it sends a clear message that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated and there will be consequences.’

By Ed

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