Clamping down on irresponsible dog owners in Maidstone

As part of its continued efforts to promote responsible dog ownership, Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) is introducing further measures to clamp-down on unacceptable behaviour.

The MBC Public Space Protection Order for Dog Control will be updated on 21 October 2023, and will enable the Council to issue Fixed Penalty Notices of £100 to irresponsible dog owners.

The Council is asking members of the public to report issues such as dog fouling, nuisance dogs, dog attacks, or dangerous dogs to them or to Kent Police.

A serious element of dog ownership is the risk of harming another dog or a person, regardless of their breed or size.  Dog attacks on people or animals are serious offences that can result in prosecution, fines, or even imprisonment – in line with the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

MBC Cabinet Member for Housing and Health, Cllr Lottie Parfitt Reid, said: “We all love our furry friends, but we also need to respect the rights and safety of others. Responsible dog ownership is an important element of having a dog and the Council is introducing new measures to encourage everyone to ensure the safety of their pet and others. I would ask everyone who has a dog to be a responsible owner and follow the rules and regulations that apply to their dog.

“Irresponsible dog ownership comes in many forms, but in most cases they can be dealt with by providing advice or using national and local legislation for dog control. Dog fouling, as an example of irresponsible dog ownership, is not only unpleasant, but also a health hazard and an environmental crime.”

Keeping dogs under proper control is the responsibility of every dog owner. From October, it will remain an offence to allow them to wander or roam loose without a person accompanying it or to not keep a dog on a lead when requested by an authorised officer. It is also an offence to take or allow a dog into play areas and tennis courts owned by MBC.

The requirement to keep a dog on a lead within the grounds of the cemetery and crematorium has been extended to the town centre. The Council also introducing a new requirement for dog owners to limit the number of dogs that they walk to four, anywhere in the borough of Maidstone, (unless they are a licensed dog boarder or registered to MBC’s Professional Dog Walkers Scheme); these offences all carry a fixed penalty of £100.

If people witness someone failing to pick up after their dog, they can report it to the MBC Community Protection Team online via the website: MBC Community Protection or by calling 01622 602162.

If you have any questions or concerns, please look at the council website or email

Anyone who witnesses irresponsible dog owners can report this anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling: 0800 555 111

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