Detectives investigating a serious assault in Canterbury have issued an image of three men they would like to speak to.

St georges cctv_latest
CCTV of the men police want to speak with

It was reported that the victim, aged in his late teens, was walking with two friends in the city’s St George’s Street when they spoke to another group of people. The victim was assaulted shortly after that, sustaining a head injury and requiring hospital treatment.

Officers are appealing for witnesses into the incident which took place at around 4am on Saturday 7 October 2023.

They have issued a CCTV image of three men they would like to identify and speak to as they may have information which could assist enquiries.

Can you help?

Witnesses should contact Kent Police on 01843 222289 quoting 46/180390/23.


You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete their online form.

By Ed

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