Tunbridge Wells town centre police patrol nab suspected car park thief

Patrolling officers in Tunbridge Wells have arrested a suspected thief after spotting suspicious activity in a town centre car park.

The constables were making checks in the Crescent Road car park, when they saw a man allegedly stealing items from the boot of a BMW.

The suspect attempted to run from officers but was arrested nearby and taken into custody. A shopping trolley was seized which contained a number of suspected stolen items including a laptop and headphones.

Officers are continuing to make enquiries and the suspect, aged 25, is currently on bail.

Inspector Ian Jones, of the Tunbridge Wells Community Safety unit, said: ‘Whilst our officers carry out regular patrols in the town centre, including the car parks, it is important that motorists also remain vigilant to thieves.

‘There are several steps which can be taken to help prevent items being stolen from your vehicle. Check they are locked securely and that remote locking with a car key has worked. Where possible, remove all valuables from vehicles and any other items which may be attractive to thieves. We also recommend having valuables security marked, so it makes them harder to sell on if they are stolen.’

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