The Leader of Canterbury City Council has urged Kent County Council (KCC) to rethink its plan to cut support for care leavers.
Cllr Alan Baldock wrote an open letter to his opposite number at KCC, Cllr Roger Gough, on Wednesday 1 November. In the letter, Cllr Baldock warned that the proposal to axe funding for supported accommodation for young people leaving the care system at the age of 19 would place their wellbeing at risk.
He said that care leavers are more likely to be vulnerable to sexual exploitation, county lines drugs gangs, financial exploitation, and poorer health. He also said that the predicted cost to Canterbury City Council alone of picking up the cost of those leaving care accommodation at 19 could be almost £2.5m per year, every year.
Cllr Baldock argued that KCC is the best provider of support for care leavers between the ages of 19 and 21. He urged KCC to continue to provide the Supported Accommodation Service for care leavers until the age of 21.
The letter comes after Canterbury City Council passed a motion at its October meeting of Full Council which gained cross-party support and called on KCC to change its mind.
KCC currently provides supported accommodation for young people leaving the care system up to the age of 21 but, after a period of transition, is looking to save £700,000 per year by removing that type of help from the age of 19.