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Folkestone Town Council has announced that its annual Christmas Lights ‘Switch On’ event with Festive Lantern Parade will this year include a Christmas Food & Drink Market on Guildhall Street.
This annual, eagerly anticipated free family event signifies the start of the festive season for Folkestone.
Outside The Town Hall will be the site for the large, covered stage and performance area with the event expected to again attract 6,000 people.
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Residents are invited to take part in the Festive Lantern and Light Parade which will leave the area in front of the Clifton Hotel at 4pm (assembling at 3.30pm), to process down Sandgate Road to the centre of the precinct (road closures, traffic management and stewards / security will support and ensure safe passage).
The parade promises to be a significant part of the overall event this year with large youth groups, choirs, schools and other organisations already confirmed as participants.