Ashford man jailed for 18-years over sexual abuse of two children

An Ashford man who denied abusing two children on numerous occasions from 2010 has been convicted by a jury at Canterbury Crown Court, and at the same court on 31 October 2023 was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

Adam North

Adam North, 41, from Willesborough in Ashford, was convicted of eight counts of sexual assault and two counts of assaulting a young child.

The court heard that North had sexually abused the two children from a very young age and would also regularly physically attack them, on occasions strangling them.

The victims reported the abuse to police in 2019, and North was arrested. Following an investigation by the Canterbury Vulnerability Investigation team, he was later charged with the offences.

Investigating Officer, Detective Sergeant Ally Franks said: ‘By denying the offences North has put his two victims through the harrowing ordeal of having the re-live the abuse.

‘His actions will leave a lasting impact on their lives but they have shown great courage in not only coming forward to police but also having to describe their ordeals.

‘If anyone has been a victim of any sexual offence it is never too late to report this to the police. We will always treat any information in the upmost confidence and sensitivity.’

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