Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) is encouraging local community groups to apply now for the new Winter Community Support Fund.

Applications are now open online for the MBC Winter Community Support Fund (part of the Government Household Support Grant) until Sunday 17 December.

The Winter Community Support Fund is available for community organisations to apply for to support vulnerable households over the winter period with food and fuel poverty and keeping warm.

MBC Cabinet Member for Communities, Leisure and Arts, Cllr Claudine Russell said:

“We all know that the winter months can be difficult for many people who may be struggling with keeping warm and food and fuel poverty.  The Council is using part of our portion of the Government’s Household Support Fund to help community schemes working with local families to support them.

“I would encourage as many local voluntary and community organisations as possible to apply now for the funding which could help the residents of Maidstone who need it.”

Applications to the fund are welcome from local voluntary and community organisations to help with providing support to Maidstone residents and can apply for one off funding of between £500 and £5,000.

Check out full details

By Ed

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