If you live in Thanet and don’t have gas in your home, you may be eligible for a Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) that can help you save money on your energy bills.

The HUG can pay for energy efficiency improvements such as free insulation, low carbon heating and clean heating systems for your home. This will help you stay warm and comfortable while also contributing to the Government’s 2050 Net Zero goal.

Householders could be eligible if their:

  • home isn’t heated by mains gas (for example, if it’s heated by oil, coal, LPG or electric-only heating).
  • combined income is less than £31,000 (or an equivalised income where cost of living is below £20,000 after rent or mortgage costs), or receives means-tested benefits such as Universal Credit or is in a target area as identified by the government.
  • home is hard to heat, based on a home Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).  Thanet District Council’s Energy Advice team can help households that don’t have an EPC to find out if they are eligible. Landlords with four or fewer properties can also apply for the grant. They will be required to contribute at least one third of the cost of the upgrades. 

The scheme is managed by EoN, and local installers will help customers through the application process. The installer will identify which improvements are best for eligible homes, and arrange any necessary surveys and installations. EPC assessments can be provided as part of the application process, if needed.

Cllr Helen Whitehead, Cabinet Member for Housing, said:

“The Home Upgrade Grant is a key step towards helping residents stay warm, reduce their fuel bills and improve Thanet’s most energy inefficient homes. We want to support our residents who are on lower incomes, helping them to save money and reduce fuel poverty, whilst also cutting carbon emissions for homes and for Thanet. 

“Fuel costs are at an all-time high, and this scheme is a hugely important opportunity for local residents to improve their homes, save money on their energy bills and reduce their carbon emissions. It will also help to support the council’s commitment to tackling the climate crisis, as well as the council’s 2030 Net Zero commitment.

“If you need support or think you may be eligible, please apply online, or contact us on the email below to discuss your energy saving needs.” 

Householders can apply for the scheme online and can discuss the scheme with the council’s Energy Advice team by emailing energysaving@thanet.gov.uk or by calling 01843 577400.

Please note: the team will be unavailable to call or email from Friday 22 December until Wednesday 3 January 2024.

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