Between August 2023 and January 2024, a man has been seen entering the Asda store in London Road more than 10 times. On each of his visits, it is alleged he took items, including alcohol and confectionary, and left without paying. In total, it is believed he has stolen goods to a value of over £2,000.

Images have been issued of a man officers investigating a spate of shoplifting offences in a Swanley supermarket, want to speak to
Anyone with information, or who recognises the man in the images, is urged to call the west Kent appeals line on 01622 604100, quoting reference 46/160398/23.
PC Harris of the West Division Victim-Based Crime Team, said:
‘Shoplifting is a national priority for police forces, and a contributing factor to the rising costs of everyday products as businesses try to recoup losses incurred following thefts.
‘We are keen to hear from anyone who recognises the man pictured as we believe he may be able to assist with our enquiries.’