Dover Grammar School student wins Best Short Film at 10th Moving Image Awards in London

A student from Dover Grammar School for Boys has won a top award in London for young filmmaking prodigies. They were celebrated at the 10th annual Moving Image Awards at a ceremony held at the British Film Institute on 26 February.

Ricardo Sokolowska-Pedrosa from Dover Grammar School for Boys, took home the award for Best Short Film for his film titled ‘Uninhabitable’. The short film is a powerful documentary about poor-quality accommodation and unscrupulous landlords taking advantage of vulnerable people in Dover.

The judges commended Ricardo on his excellence in technical competence, form and genre, creativity and resourcefulness, and using storytelling to explore the topic.

Following his win, Ricardo said:

“It feels awesome to have won this short film award! I’m so pleased. I’ve never been to an award ceremony before, so getting some recognition is pretty sick.”

More details on Dover Grammar School for Boys website

Proud students, parents, and teachers from across the UK gathered at the prestigious event to celebrate the work of young directors, screenwriters, and producers.

The Moving Image Awards, which launched in 2014 in collaboration with the British Film Institute, recognises and celebrates the best moving image productions from students undertaking Eduqas qualifications in Film and Media across the UK.

Categories this year included Best Short Film, Music Video, TV/Film Extract, Screenplay, One to Watch and Student Jury Prize.


Further awards went to:

Student Jury Prize

Music Video:


Film/TV Extract:

One to Watch:

The winning videos are available to view on the Moving Image Awards YouTube channel.

The event has garnered acknowledgment from educators and professors of film and media studies at various institutions throughout the UK, along with prominent figures within the film industry. Among this year’s guest speakers were film critic and former President of the UK Critics’ Circle Anna Smith, writer and director Lorna Tucker, feature film script editor Kate Leys and Metro chief film critic Larushka Ivan-Zadeh.

For more information on the Moving Image Awards, visit:  

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