Stunning model on display in Folkestone

An overview of the unfinished Bayle model Photo: Ray Duff

Words and Photos by Ray Duff – A model of part of Folkestone’s oldest areas, known as The Bayle, was briefly exhibited this week. The captivating display aimed to showcase the remarkable effort put into creating an up-to-date scene.

Close up of the famous British Lion pub Photo: Ray Duff

Residents of The Bayle eagerly gathered to witness this impressive work, alongside other invited guests, including local historians.

The mastermind behind this intricate creation is Colin Parker, a resident of The Bayle whose journey began in October 2022 when he meticulously photographed the historic buildings in the area. From there, he embarked on a creative endeavour that utilised an array of materials: card, glue, paint, sandpaper, straws, electrical cable, model railway wallpaper, cocktail sticks, and paintbrush handles.

Street level view looking up The Bayle Photo: Ray Duff

The model vividly captures the frontages of The Bayle’s buildings, adorned with exquisite details. As a testament to Colin’s dedication and skill, it represents countless man-hours of painstaking work. Street furniture will be added to enhance the scene further, making it a true labour of love.

Overview of a small part of the model Photo: Ray Duff

Colin Parker is hoping the completed model will eventually find a permanent home for public display. For now, it remains a captivating work in progress—a space to watch with anticipation.

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