Shouts for help alert passers-by after woman is reportedly assaulted by man in Chatham

Witnesses are sought after a woman in Chatham reported she had been followed and assaulted around 5am on Thursday 9 April 2024, as she walked along Luton Road towards Luton Arches when a stranger approached her and allegedly assaulted her before walking away when she started shouting for help.

The woman continued into New Road and when she reached the junction with Otway Terrace, it is reported the same man crossed New Road to assault her again. The suspect left the scene towards the town centre when members of the public starting shouting at him. The victim suffered a leg injury during the incident.

An investigation was started and, on Thursday 2 May, a man was arrested and taken into custody. The man of no fixed address, was later charged with attempted wounding with intent, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, stalking and possession of cannabis. The 42-year-old appeared before Sevenoaks Magistrates’ Court. He was remanded to a hearing at Maidstone Crown Court on Friday 31 May.

Detectives are appealing to anyone who witnessed the assaults in Luton Road or New Road to contact the appeal line. Drivers with dashcam and residents or businesses with private CCTV are also asked to check for relevant footage. Anyone with information should call 01634 792209, quoting reference 46/56560/24. You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete their online form.

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