Two jailed after victim fought for his life with collapsed lung in Canterbury stabbing

On Wednesday 16 August 2023, police on patrol in Shaftesbury Road were approached by an injured man who said that he had been stabbed by two men that were known to him. Officers called an ambulance and the man was airlifted to a London hospital, where it was confirmed that his lung had collapsed. He was later discharged to continue his recovery at home.

Following enquiries at the scene, police tracked a suspicious car – in which the offenders were thought to be travelling – to Albert Road, where it was stopped by patrols. Lewis Whittington, of no fixed address, and Kenny Harmsworth, from Canterbury, who had been travelling in the car, were arrested shortly afterwards and later charged.

Both men pleaded guilty to causing GBH with intent and possession of a bladed article, while Whittington also pleaded guilty to possession of a class A drug with intent to supply. Whittington, 19, was jailed for seven and a half years and Harmsworth, 23, was sentenced to five and a half years in prison at Canterbury Crown Court on Friday 3 May 2024.

Detective Sergeant Vanessa Law from East Kent CID said:

‘Whittington and Harmsworth are violent offenders whose despicable actions that day left their victim fighting for his life. Thanks to the quick reactions of police officers, the victim was able to be taken to hospital promptly and receive vital treatment.

‘I am pleased that these criminals, who were swiftly detained, have received custodial sentences and hope that their victim is given some sense of closure. There is no place for knife crime on the streets of Kent and we will continue to strive to bring the perpetrators to justice.’

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