Folkestone commemorates bicentenary of Samuel Plimsoll’s birth

Photo: Samuel Plimsoll’s grave Photo: Ray Duff

This year, 2024 is the bicentenary of Samuel Plimsoll’s birth in February 1824. He passed away in Folkestone on 3rd June 1898 and Folkestone Town Council is hosting a bicentenary service at St Martins Church in Cheriton on Saturday 1 June 2024 to commemorate the man who devised the ‘Plimsoll line’, a crucial safety measure for ships.

The service will be followed by a prayer at the graveside of Samuel Plimsoll, followed by a talk by Nicolette Jones, author of The Plimsoll Sensation: The Great Campaign to Save Lives at Sea and refreshments served in the Church.

In attendance will be the Folkestone Town Mayor, Cllr Abena Akuffo-Kelly, civic dignitaries, Councillors, Standard Bearers, descendants of Samuel Plimsoll and members of the public are welcome to attend, for further information please contact Folkestone Town Council offices on 01303 257946 or email

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