Grant Venamore was sentenced to 16 years’ imprisonment after he raped and abused two victims, one of whom was targeted when they were only four years old.

He was arrested in August 2020, when reports of abuse were first received by Kent Police. A subsequent investigation revealed he was responsible for a catalogue of offences spanning more than 15-years.

Venamore latest

Venamore, from Croydon (pictured above) denied any wrongdoing and the case went to trial at Maidstone Crown Court.

He was found guilty, by unanimous verdict, of 11 counts relating to the sexual abuse of children, including multiple rapes and has been jailed for a series of sex offences against children in Tunbridge Wells and Paddock Wood which began in the 1990s.

Sentencing took place on Tuesday 18 June 2024, when Venamore was deemed by Judge Philip Statman to be a dangerous offender, who had been responsible for ‘persistent, violent sexual abuse’. The 48-year-old was told he will have to serve at least two thirds of his prison sentence before he can be considered for parole. Upon his eventual release from custody he will be the subject of an extended licence period of three years and an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

Detective Constable Tania Muller, of the West Kent Child Protection Team said:

‘Venamore repeatedly subjected his young victims to depraved and sickening abuse, causing incalculable damage upon their young lives. His actions have not only had a destructive effect upon their childhoods but will have sadly left a damaging and lasting impact on their adult lives.

‘It has taken enormous strength and courage for these victims to come forward and provide the evidence and testimony needed to ensure Venamore has now faced justice for these abhorrent crimes.

‘This sentence will ensure Venamore serves a long time in prison and importantly no longer poses a threat to any other children. I would urge anyone who has been a victim of any sexual offence to remember that it is never too late to report this to the police.

‘We have a team of specialist officers who work relentlessly to ensure that offenders like Venamore do not evade justice, just because a crime may have happened a long time ago. We will always treat any information with the upmost confidence and sensitivity.’

By Ed

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