Local businesses invited to get involved in over 50s Roots to Work scheme

Dover District Council (DDC) is inviting local businesses to get involved in a scheme aimed at helping the over 50s into work. 

Roots to Work, an initiative between DDC and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), has been running for nine months. The scheme specifically supports people over 50, who are receiving benefits and trying to return to the workplace, with a range of free workshops and accredited courses. 

DDC is now inviting businesses to get involved by taking on participants for work experience or taking part in information sessions to share more about their business and what they look for in an employee. 

Debra Jennings, community support officer at DDC who runs Roots to Work, said:

“Businesses can benefit from experienced candidates, some of whom have worked all their lives but unexpectedly found themselves unemployed. 

“Many of them come already skilled or they have completed accredited courses such as food safety or emergency first aid meaning the employer can save money on additional training.” 

Roots to Work offers free courses which are run by Kent Adult Education and include Food Safety, Emergency First Aid and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH). Workshops for CV writing, confidence building and transferrable skills training are also on offer from DDC. 

If you run a business and would like more information about how to get involved, please contact Roots2Work@dover.gov.uk 

Next month, DDC is hosting a jobs and skills fair in Deal where job seekers can meet local employers.  

For more information click here

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