Six drivers have been fined or received points on their licence following a crackdown on anti-social driving in west Kent.
Drivers of modified cars have been entering Kent from neighbouring counties to take part in illegal driving activities, such as drag racing and drifting events.
Complaints about nuisance driving in Sevenoaks, New Hythe Lane, Larkfield, the A228 near East Peckham, and Hewitt’s Roundabout near Orpington, have increased over recent months. Officers continue to patrol hotspots and will be out on Kent’s roads this weekend to deter would-be nuisance drivers and identify suspects who continue to commit anti-social driving offences.
Reports to emergency call handlers allege that up to 100 people attend the car meets, causing noise pollution, damage, unpleasant smells, and road blockages while driving dangerously, often without appropriate insurance.
In January 2024, proactive patrols attended Bradbourne Park Road car park, Sevenoaks, where six people were issued Traffic Offence Reports (TORs) for similar anti-social and dangerous driving offences.
On Thursday 20 June 2024, at Maidstone Magistrates’ Court, the offenders were told to pay fines of up to £293, with one driver receiving five points on their driving licence.
Police Sergeant Nick Bottle, of the Sevenoaks Local Policing Team, said:
‘West Kent Residents have reported concerns about the dangers nuisance drivers pose to other road users and the impact on the quality of life of the community.
‘As well as driving dangerously, those involved cause noise pollution, leave tyre skid marks on the roads, and fill the air with the toxic smell of fuel fumes and burning rubber. These issues are becoming more frustrating for locals who feel forced to shut windows on hot summer nights to avoid being disturbed.
‘Our officers remain vigilant for offenders. Anyone caught committing these offences will be challenged, and risk being issued with a traffic offence report, being arrested, having their vehicles seized.’