Closure of Deal leisure centre referred back to Cabinet

It’s been reported by the Conservative Group on Dover District Council that in a significant development on Monday 27th January, the Dover District Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee unanimously voted to refer Labour’s decision to close Tides Leisure Centre back to the Cabinet for review.

It follows a “call in” by Conservative Councillors from Deal, Walmer, and surrounding areas, prompted by reported overwhelming public concern over the closure’s impact on the community.

The Committee has requested the Cabinet to explore all possible options to keep Tides open for the next nine months, until the new leisure centre contract commences in January 2026. This decision comes after a public outcry, with over 1,100 people signing a petition and numerous residents expressing their concerns directly to the Committee.

While the full meeting was not held in public due to commercial sensitivities, the Committee acknowledged the significant community impact of the closure.

The Conservative Group expressed hope that Labour will heed public opinion and find a solution that prevents further disruption to the community while ensuring the continued operation of the leisure facility.

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