Kent County Council (KCC) has successfully bid to improve the cross-town walking route running from the east to the west of Faversham.

The £995,000 scheme, called the Faversham Cross Town Path, will include new crossings and junction improvements to create a more pedestrian and cycle friendly environment.

It will be paid for by the Government’s Active Travel England fund. Separate funding to a value of £574,000 has also been secured to explore possibilities for further walking and cycling improvements in areas in Tunbridge Wells, Canterbury, Sevenoaks and Whitstable.

The improvements will work alongside Faversham Town Council’s 20mph area and will be among the first new changes to encourage drivers to watch their speed.

The successful bid is built on details in Faversham’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).Working together Faversham Town Council, Swale Borough Council and KCC agreed the scheme aimed at encouraging walking would best fit the criteria for this round of Government funding.

“We are delighted to have worked with Faversham Town Council and Swale Borough Council on securing this funding and look forward to working with Canterbury, Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells Councils to develop future schemes…”

KCC’s Cabinet Member Highways and Transport, David Brazier said: “We are delighted to have worked with Faversham Town Council and Swale Borough Council on securing this funding and look forward to working with Canterbury, Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells Councils to develop future schemes, which we are delighted to also receive funding to develop plans for.

“The aim of this local project is to encourage walking as a regular form of transport in the town and to make it safer for people to make that choice.

“We will now continue to work with the local community as we continue to listen to the views of local people.”

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