Mayor of Maidstone, Cllr Fay Gooch-“delighted to see the work well and truly underway”

The building work for the brand-new Mote Park Café in Maidstone is well underway with the steel works of the structure in place.

To review how the works are progressing – which started in June, the Mayor of Maidstone – Cllr Fay Gooch visited the site.  She was shown the progress of the construction taking shape by members of the team from BBS Construction Ltd who are carrying out the work on the new park facility.

After her visit to the site, the Mayor said: “I am delighted to see the work well and truly underway to create this fabulous new facility and how it is now really starting to take shape.

“The new building will open up this area of Mote Park and it is so exciting to know that the work is currently on track to enable this great addition to open for visitors next summer.”

Whilst the Mayor was visiting the site, BBS Construction presented the Mayor with a defibrillator for users of Mote Park which will be gifted to the café on completion. BBS purchased the device from the British Heart Foundation which provided them with a robust and easy to use defibrillator with audio prompts and visual instructions to help responders give effective CPR when required.

Geoff Slee, Managing Director, BBS Construction Ltd commented: “It is important to BBS that we are able to give something back to the communities in which we’re building. We are delighted to be able to gift this British Heart Foundation defibrillator to the visitors of Mote Park. This, along with a stunning new café building will be BBS’s lasting legacy and we are extremely proud have presented it to the Mayor and the community today.”

Maidstone Borough Council is leading the work on the Mote Park café which is expected to be completed and open to the public summer 2022.  The new facility will include indoor and outdoor seating, flexible space for learning, an educational and meeting area for local schools and community groups to hire and new larger modern toilet facilities.  The build of the new flexible space, café, landscaping and toilets will cost £2.5m and is the second phase of the Council’s investment in the redevelopment and improvements of Mote Park.

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