Officers are urging residents in west Kent to be on guard after elderly shoppers were targeted by thieves in Sevenoaks.

A man and woman, both aged in their 80s, had their bank cards stolen during separate incidents in the town centre on Thursday 23 June 2022.

The offences took place between 10.30am and 11.50am, at a Waitrose store in the High Street.

During one incident the male victim was pushed over on an escalator. He suffered no injuries but later discovered his bank card was missing and had been used to withdraw £2,000.

The woman was targeted as she was using a pay machine in the car park. She was distracted by a man who managed to take her cards and used them to withdraw several hundred pounds.  

Can you help?

An investigation is ongoing including the examination of CCTV. Anyone who saw anything suspicious is asked to call Kent Police on 01622 604100, quoting references 46/120790/22 and 46/120888/22.

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Officers are reminding shoppers to always cover the number pad of a cash machine when entering a PIN.

If you leave your vehicle – even just to return a trolley, pay for petrol or to speak to someone – lock all the doors and boot first.

Report any ongoing suspicious behaviour by calling 999, or 101 if it is not an emergency.

By Ed

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