A dealer has been jailed for co-ordinating a county line network supplying class A drugs in Medway.

The ‘Monty’ line was controlled by Bilaal Farah who sent multiple texts offering heroin and crack cocaine for sale, between January and April 2021.

Farah directed others to deliver the drugs and on 9 April two men were arrested in Chatham with 130 wraps of crack cocaine and 75 deals of heroin.

Phones examined

Detectives from Kent Police’s County Lines and Gangs Team proved from examination of their mobile phones that the two men had been working for Farah when they were detained.

On 20 May, a search warrant was executed as Farah’s home address in Woolwich, Greater London. He was not present and 43 wraps of cocaine were seized from underneath some clothing in a wardrobe.

When the wraps were analysed investigators recovered Farah’s DNA. On 18 February 2022, he was tracked down and arrested at an address in south-east London. Officers also seized £2,000 in cash.

Charged over possessing crack cocaine

Bilaal was later charged with possessing crack cocaine with intent to supply, being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine, being concerned in the supply of heroin and possessing criminal property (namely the seized cash).

He pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court and on Friday 21 October, the 22-year-old was sentenced to three years and nine months’ imprisonment.

Investigating officer, PC Ben Shove, said: ‘Farah had a significant role in the co-ordination of class A drug supply and it was apparent he had people working for him on the street.

‘He will have felt invulnerable as he was not meeting drug users in person but his confidence was misplaced. Investigators were able to track him down through his phone contacts and he is now, quite rightly, behind bars.’

By Ed

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