A minibus that once helped school drivers pass their tests has been given a new purpose at Royal British Legion Industries (RBLI), a charity that cares for heroes and their loved ones.
Simon Jones, KCC’s Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport, presented the 2015 registration minibus to the RBLI today and applauded the charity for its amazing work.

KCC and RBLI have been friends for a long time and KCC has often let the RBLI borrow the minibus for its annual Ride with a Veteran adventure, where brave cyclists pedal from Aylesford to Ypres in Belgium to support veterans and their families.
The minibus was a gift to KCC from another group but it was no longer needed after the rules changed and schools had to bring their own vehicles for driver tests.
Simon Jones said: “We are thrilled to give this minibus to the RBLI and help them with their wonderful and important work.
“It was a privilege to meet so many lovely people who are passionate about making sure that those who have served in the armed forces, and their families, get the best treatment and respect they deserve.”
Lisa Farmer, Chief Executive of Royal British Legion Industries (RBLI), expressed her gratitude to KCC for the kind donation and said: “The minibus will be a great asset for our charity work.
“In fact, it will have its first official RBLI mission today as the support vehicle for the 40 cyclists who are joining our Ride with a Veteran challenge, which is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year.”