Kent Police is appealing for witnesses following a reported break-in at a business in Whitstable.

Officers were called to a chemist on the High Street, near to the junction with Argyle Road, at around 5am on Wednesday 6 December 2023. The front door of the business was found damaged and various items were strewn across the floor inside, including coins and a charity collection box.

An investigation is ongoing and officers would like to speak to two men who were believed to be in the area on a motorbike at the time of the incident and who may be able to help them with their enquiries.

The first man was described as wearing a white motorcycle helmet, a black jacket and dark-coloured jeans. The second man was thought to be wearing all black and was travelling on the back of the bike without a helmet on.

Anyone who saw these men or has information that could help identify them is urged to call Kent Police on 01843 222289, quoting reference 46/214970/23.

You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete the online form.

By Ed

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