In the early hours of Sunday 16 June 2024, it was reported that parked cars were targeted near to Aylesham Road, Snowdown, with car door handles being tried, property rummaged through and items removed.
Further reports were received that vehicles in Woolage Village had been broken into, with cash and personal items stolen. Some of the items that had been taken from the vehicles were later recovered nearby.
Following an investigation into reports that more than 20 vehicles in villages near Canterbury and Dover were interfered with officers arrested three fifteen-year-old boys on Tuesday 18 June in connection with the reports.
They remain in custody pending further enquiries.
While the investigation continues, officers are advising motorists to take measures to prevent their belongings being stolen.
Drivers should:
• Make sure vehicles are locked, especially if you own a car where wing mirrors show whether it is locked.
• Ideally don’t leave any valuables in vehicles when away from it, but make sure anything left inside is out of sight.
• Completely close all windows and your sun roof, even when it’s hot, to stop thieves ‘fishing’ through windows.
• Park somewhere busy, visible to other members of the public, ideally covered by CCTV, and well-lit if leaving cars overnight.
For more details, see the webpages on preventing theft from vehicles.