Between Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 March 2025, officers stopped multiple cars and motorbikes in the town after residents raised concerns about persistent noise and the danger some motorists cause to other road users.
Neighbourhood patrols with the Special Constabulary in Gravesend have continued the ongoing campaign to target nuisance vehicles. Two cars were found to be uninsured and were immediately seized while the drivers received traffic offence reports.
A motorcyclist was also stopped following reports it had been ridden antisocially in a field. The bike was seized as it was uninsured and untaxed, and the rider was dealt with for traffic offences and also criminal damage caused to the field.
Police Sergeant Kirsty Dunne said:
‘We are determined to target antisocial behaviour when it is reported and a common complaint is the misuse of motor vehicles in north Kent. To combat these problems we regularly complete high visibility patrols in the areas that have seen these problems. Over the weekend, our officers were ably supported in this task by several special constable colleagues.
‘Our proactive stops were well received by local people and law abiding motorists, and residents will see these operations continuing throughout the year.’