Work to dismantle the hoarding at the Princes Parade site in Hythe is due to begin in March, but a perimeter fence will be erected in its place.

The boards are to be transferred to Otterpool Park where they will be reused to secure currently vacant buildings.  They will be further used when construction work begins on the garden town.

As the hoarding is removed, it will be replaced by a perimeter fence. The fence is necessary to restrict access to the former landfill site where there is known contamination in the ground from its previous use.

Following a decision by the council leader, a 1.2m high stock fence comprising of wire mesh stretched between wooden posts, will be installed.

A decision over the future of the site is due to be made after public consultation later in the year.  Potential uses will be informed by the public’s views together with the advice received from the council’s contaminated land consultant.

Further soil investigation and remediation works would be required to safeguard users if the preferred option includes open public access to parts of the site.  During the hoarding removal and fencing installation council officers and contractors will be working alongside an ecologist to ensure the badger setts and other wildlife habitats are safeguarded.

Consent for the work is also being obtained through Historic England as work at the northern boundary of the site is close to The Royal Military Canal, classified as a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

A F&HDC spokesperson said:

“The fence, which integrates with the local setting and environment, is necessary whilst the future of the site is being considered.

“The public consultation will invite discussions about the best use of the land.  The council is committed to engage with the district’s residents to obtain their views and make a decision that reflects the aspirations of the community.”

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