A jail term has been imposed on a man who repeatedly breached court orders designed to protect victims.
Christopher Marlborough-Jones, of no fixed address, was jailed for two years and three months at Canterbury Crown Court on 14 January 2022.
Marlborough-Jones, 33, was placed on the Sex Offenders Register in 2019 following a conviction for exposure and was later made the subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO).

In May 2021, Marlborough-Jones threw a safe at a woman at a property in the Spring Lane area of Canterbury before threatening her. The safe did not hit the woman, who was known to Marlborough-Jones, and the matter was reported to Kent Police.
Marlborough-Jones was later overheard telling the woman not to give a statement and saying he would kill her if she supported a prosecution.
He was charged three days after the offences and, after being released by a court, he breached a number of court orders.
In September and October 2021, he contacted the victim in the case, in breach of a restraining order placed upon him.
He also failed to notify police of his address in September 2021, as required under the terms of the Sex Offenders Register.
In the same month, he bought a mobile phone and set up a Facebook account, in breach of his SHPO. He also sent abusive messages to another woman who was known to him.
He later admitted charges of assault, perverting the course of justice, breaching sex offenders’ notification requirements, breaching a SHPO, breaching a restraining order and malicious communications.
Protecting victims
Kent Police’s investigator Daniel Webley, of the Violent and Sex Offender Register (ViSOR) team, said: ‘Kent Police works to obtain court orders so we can protect vulnerable people and we will always investigate the breach of such orders to keep those people safe.
‘Marlborough-Jones repeatedly breached court orders designed to protect victims and I am pleased the court has recognised the seriousness of such offences.
‘I would like to pay tribute to the courage of the victims in this case who supported our prosecution despite Marlborough-Jones’ threatening and intimidating behaviour.’
Kent Police investigator Daniel Webley